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Monday, June 15, 2009

Graduation Day and Culmination

Wow! Time sure does fly. Today was Joseph's Kindergarten Graduation and Brianna's Culmination from 1st grade to 2nd grade. They had a great year at school and received several awards.

Joseph received an Honors Award, as well as a Math Award. If you know Joseph, then you shouldn't be surprised that he got he Math Award, since he loves to count and save his allowance. A real business man in the making.

Brianna also received an Honors Award and a Citizenship Award. Brianna's teacher commented on how caring she is for others, and always willing to help those around her. What a great characteristics to have.

Now that school is out, there will be lots of fun activities for them to do this summer. School's out and Summer Vacation is here...Wheeeee!

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Our Beautiful Kids

About Mommy & Daddy

Our Mommy & Daddy's Wedding Day

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God has graciously granted many blessings in our life. One of the greatest of them all was when I became a family. We know that love starts with "hearts and flowers", wedding bells and wedding rings, but a marriage like mine and Jose's includes so many other things. In fact, the "wedding" part is over when the ceremony ends. However, a life of working hard together to build a "marriage" and a "family" then begins. It all begain in the Spring of 1997 when Jose and I first met. We dated for 4 1/2 years before getting married on November 24, 2001. We are thankful that God continues to be the center of our marriage and family and pray that He will continue to bless us with many more years together.

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