As promised, here are some of the adventures we had while on summer break.
Mommy and Daddy took us to the beach. We ate crabs and fish and played in the water. Mommy helped us build a sand castle, but the waves washed it away . Oh well, we built another one and it was sooo much fun. After our beach adventure, we took a break from the hot sun and ate some nice cold ice cream. It was soooo yummy to our tummies.

It was a hot summer in the Valley, so mommy and daddy bought us an above pool to swim in. It's soooo big! The water comes up to our neck, so we were able to learn how to float and swim. Mommy let us go swimming everyday! Can you believe that? That was super cool. Mommy even took a video of us in the swimming pool doing our dragon dance.
Our cousin Cait and Chris invited us to their new house this summer. They have a big pool, so we were able to show off our new skills. It's so much fun to be with them. Cait is a teenager now, so Brianna loved all of Cait's "big girl" stuff. Cait is so nice that she let Brianna hang with her in her teen-age room. Joseph hung out with Chris, cuz "he's cool!" They played the Wii before and after swimming. Chris also let Joseph play with his guitar.
There was a lot of kids movies this summer, so mommy and daddy took us to the movies a lot. We got to see "UP," "Ice-Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs," "G-Force," "Harry Potter, the Half Blood Prince," and "G.I. Joe." We're hoping to watch "Ponyo," Shorts," and "Aliens in the Attic" before school starts.
Mommy and Daddy also took us to the Pacific Asian Museum (PAM) and The La Brea Tar Pits. PAM was a nice museum, but it was too small, and we weren't allowed to touch any of the stuff in there. Our favorite thing at PAM was the Koi Pond, but it only had 3 Koi fish in it. It was fun trying to find them. Our favorite museum so far is the La Brea Tar Pi
ts. They had dinosaurs and sabertooth tigers, and lots of mammoths and other pre-historic animals. It was so much fun to see and touch the animal bones. We even got to try and pull ourselves out of the tar pit. It was hard!
Aside from all the trips we took, we also got to see and play at different parks in our area. It's fun to try out new slides and swings. So far our favorite park is the one with the biggest slide (Grandview Park). It has a straight slide and a twisty slide and even a baby slide. It also has a "traveller" where you hold on and swing to the other side. That was hard to do, but we practiced and we were able to hold on and swing ourselves to the other side.
There is sooo many things to see and do before school starts and we only have 1 week left, so mommy and daddy better hurry or else we'll have to wait again next summer. Hopefully, we'll get to post more and let you know if our our other summer adventures. Until then, be sure to check out the Photo Gallery to see pictures of our fun!