Boooo! Halloween is just around the corner and we're so excited to dress up for Halloween. This year Brianna is dressing up like Cleopatra and Joseph will be a black ninja. We will be showing off our costume at this year's school parade. We hope we will win the "Best Costume" contest. Wish us luck.

Last weekend, mom and dad took us to the pumpkin patch at Forneris Farms. It was so much fun. Cousin Amilie was there too. There was soooo many pumpkins to choose from. They even had a pumpkin bowling...and guess what? We played the bowling and won a train whistle and a pumpkin for knocking down all the pins with pumpkin. It was so much fun.

Our favorite part was when we went to the corn maze. The corn stalks were soooo high, we couldn't see which way to go. Good thing we had a map to help us find our way out. We went to the left, then to the right, and then we went zig zag and by the time we knew it, we found the exit. 18 minutes to be exact. That was sooo much fun.
After playing a the pumpkin patch, we went home and craved our pumpkins. Mom carved a hello kitty, Tita Christina and Uncle Phil also carved a witch hello kitty, and daddy helped us carve a kitty and a spooky eyes on ours. It was soooo much fun.
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