We just wanted to share the exciting photos from our horse back riding trip on New Years Day. As you recall from our previous blog post, Joseph rode on the Medium-Fast ponies. He had so much fun when the horse galloped really fast. After the pony rides, he kept asking mommy and daddy if we can buy a real horse...I don't think our dog shadow would like that very much. As it is right now, Joseph tries to ride Shadow, but she won't let him.

Here's a fun shot of Brianna riding for the very first time the Big Fast pony. Her pony really went fast and you can tell from this picture that mommy took that she really enjoyed racing fast around the track. Her horse finished second in the big race. Brianna's next goal after she masters this big pony is to ride all by her self on a big horse on a horse trail, but that won't be for awhile.

It's so much fun to ride the horses. We can't wait for our next trip to the park so we can ride them again.

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Mommy really loves Bri's facial expression the first time she rode the fast horses. I'm glad I was able to capture it with my camera.
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