It's finally 8th birthday! I'm so excited. Mommy woke me up with a big kiss and said, "Good morning birthday girl! Look who's 8!" Hey, that's me! I'm 8! Time sure does fly fast. I got ready and put on my polka dot party dress.
After that mommy and I picked up my birthday cake from the bakery. It was a big pink cake with a little purple one on top. It had pink, yellow, and purple polka dots and a ballerina on top. Mommy added flowered shaped lollipops so that it will go with my party them. She had the cake especially made just for me.
Our party theme is "Sweet Treats!" Mommy bought lots of different candies and lollipops and we packed them in little white bags and also created an arrangement of candies in little clear containers, so our guest can help themselves to some candi-licious treats during the party! She also ordered mini sprinkled donuts (pink and white for the girls and rainbow colors for the boys) and wrapped them individually for each guest. My box label read: "Sugar and Spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of! Thank you for coming to my 8th Birthday Party. Here's a sweet little treat just for you. Sprinkled with love, Brianna" That was really cute. The giveaways really looks nice.
My party was held at a Chinese Restaurant. There was so much yummy food at the party! Mommy and daddy ordered so much food that everyone's tummy was full. I was excited to open all my presents, but I had to wait until we got home, because after the party, mommy, daddy, my brother, grandma and grandpa took us to ride the horses. Mommy's friend V and her kids joined us. I got to ride the big, fast horse again...this time though, it was 8 times around the track. Wheeeeee! That was fun.
Just when I thought it was over...cousin Cait, Ninong and Tita Che surprised me by coming over to my house. Cait gave me a giant Eeyore stuff animal. He looks sooooo cute! I can't wait to cuddle with it tonight. We had fun being silly and took silly pictures and played hide-and-seek with my brother.
I am so pooped out from all the fun I had on my birthday. Thank you everyone for coming to my party and for my gifts. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Let's do it again next year! =)
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