Christmas has come and gone...We had so much fun spending time with all our family and friends. Most of all, we had lots of fun opening all the presents. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was held at our house this year.
Daddy's side of the family spent Christams Eve with us. We played lots of games with our friends and new cousin Liam. Kali, Mackenzie, Brianna, and Liam all changed to their matching Sponge Bob PJs. Joseph had a matching pair, but decided not to change into them :( That would have made an even better picture if Joseph had put on his PJs with us. Oh well, maybe next year.
It was soo much fun staying up all night, but we were sooooo tired. When the clock struck midnight it was time to open presents. This was our favorite part. We received lots of clothes and toys (Rock painitng, Belle Princess Doll, Legos and many more). After the party ended, we had to hurry and go to bed, so that Santa can stop by and drop off our gifts. Good thing we were already in our PJs. Mommy and daddy helped us leave Santa some milk and cookies.
Christmas morning came, and we were so excited to see if Santa came while we were asleep...Horray! He came and left us presents. Santa also finished all the milk and cookies we left him. He must have been hungry from traveling around the world to all the good little boys and girls. Santa gave Brianna an electric keyboard and a pony doll. Joseph received more Legos and an electric guitar.
After opening Santa's gifts, it was time to get ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Mommy's family were on their way to our house to celebrate Christmas...this means more fun with family and best of all, more presents for us. There was so much food to eat (Lasagna, BBQ ribs, Spaghetti, Kare-Kare, Beef Morcoon, and not mention all the yummy desserts), we didn't know where to start.
After we ate, mommy showed everyone the movie and slideshow pictures she made for everyone to enjoy. It was a collection of old photographs of all our family. Lolo Bert and Lola Lita really loved it. Our favorite part, was when she made a movie of all the girls doing a disco dance. That was soooo funny!
The day after Christmas, we drove to Tita Emy and Uncle Mike's home, to celebrate with our great grandma (Nanay), Auntie Cris, Tito Do, Tita Helen, and Tito Jhong. We had fun opening our envelopes...I bet you can guess what was inside them :) Our favorite gifts (money to buy more toys).
We hope everyone had a fun time. We can't wait till next Christmas.

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